
a thought..

today is monday .. life is getting busier these days .. preparing for next week's exam.. weather-wise getting colder.. esp in the mornings where u just can't get a moment off w/o a hot drink and simply these days eating out.. not much time and effort to stew..

tina is giving me the impression tat we have clicked minds.. her mind.. the things she think and write in her blog, they wouldn't be written by a person w/o tat stature.. i almost agree to every thoughts of advice and principles offered and what more.. she's a christian..

i've been working.. just stuffed nose due to the cold weather.. but progress is fine.. taking a moment break, i put on a video to watch.. one scene just led me to tears.. i wudn't believe anyone will not cry watching this.. it's just touching and more.. it led me to inspiration..

i was thinking.. i'm living independently at the moment.. yet in all.. it's been challenging.. what is there more? i still have 4 more years to go.. can i make it thru these years.. even my mom wud want me, for the sake of her son, to come back for work and not suffer.. it's this tat wud want me to go on further.. everyone takes things step by step.. and i'm sure i'm not greedy.. i just want to keep it up.. and go on when i still can..

now living the way it should be.. just for an excuse.. not to be sad anymore.. a smile wud do.. just to keep it up high.. and be sure.. it's always to search within urself what u're looking for and not to occasionally go too far..


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